
Serving the Big Island of Hawai'i since 1995


The Big Island

Calendar of Events

Submit an Event to KONAWEB's Big Island Calendar.

  Kona, Hawaii
a Proud Supporter of KONAWEB!

If you would like to submit an event, please write to

Email: shirley(at)
Or call (808) 345-2627.
Include the following details:
The name, date, time, location, and cost of the event, along with a short description of the event, and a contact number for the event. If the event has a website, please include that, too, as well as your name and contact info.
  • Ongoing events will not be published unless they are sponsored by not-for-profit organizations, or they are Hawaiian cultural events. (Each date must be submitted separately.)
  • KONAWEB has the right to review or edit the submissions, and decide if they are appropriate for the KONAWEB calendar of events.


KONAWEB Internet Magazine is produced by KONAWEB L.L.C.
KONAWEB and KONAWEB L.L.C. are protected by U.S. copyright and trademark laws and international conventions.